Imagine Together
Relive the moment with us and join the ‘At Home’ Conversation with Sueann Tannis
Moving in Purpose, Plans, Promise and the Whole Shebang
Imagine Together - Refreshing, Exhilarating, Powerful
International Women’s Day is always one of the most anticipated days on the Egi calendar as our growing community of women eagerly look forward to a memorable and meaningful experience done the egi way, that will leave them inspired to take on the world.
2023 was no different. This year, we were especially intentional about curating an experience that would reconnect women with peace, passion and purpose for our first in-person event since the pandemic. Imagine Together was an opportunity to shift their mindsets and free their imaginations. An invitation to bring balance to the demands of ‘hustle’ culture and reignite confidence in becoming all who God created them to be and trusting His process.
On Sunday March 12th, we brought this idea to life through ‘Imagine Together’, an intimate morning affair with 90-minutes of inspiration packed from beginning to end at O2 Beach Club and Spa on the South Coast of Barbados. Women from all walks of life came out beautifully dressed in their version of Sunday best to share, be inspired, imagine and celebrate sisterhood together. Set against a backdrop of panoramic views of brilliant blue Caribbean Sea, everything was thoughtfully designed to soothe the mind, delight the senses and inspire the imagination.
The morning captured three main segments: guests were first greeted by the soft sounds of a musical celebration on arrival, followed by a thought provoking devotional session led by Imran Richards, and culminating in an “At Home” conversation with egi founder Gina Cummins and special guest, Sueann Tannis. The morning’s hostess Carol Toppin guided the women through each segment with poise and vulnerability. Imran issued a powerful reminder of the importance of maintaining the right perspective through each season of life, holding tightly to the truth that with God’s guidance the things we dream of and imagine are possible to achieve. Throughout the morning his mantra ‘insight is greater than eyesight’ echoed as each lady was inspired to take action by rejecting imposter syndrome, changing what they see and how they perceive. During her “At Home” segment, Sueann’s soft voice yet powerful presence enraptured the audience as she shared her experience as a Barbadian woman boldly pursuing her dreams in the international arena. Her story is an encouragement to us all that coming from humble beginnings or a small island is only a hindrance to what we can achieve if we allow it to be. As Sueann expressed, even on the days when we don’t feel like it, we are enough and we have a right to take up space in whatever arena purpose calls us to.
Throughout the morning, the women were given the opportunity to connect and share in meaningful ways. Each segment was woven together beautifully with poignant reminders to the women of the power they carry individually and collectively. Each speaker was impactful and thought provoking, leaving the audience inspired and in awe. The women engaged openly with the hosts and each other, asking questions, sharing notes of encouragement, contributing ideas and imagining ways in which we could serve and advance the women in our community individually and together.
One lady said, “The energy on the Sunday morning was very inspiring. I think more women need to be a part of this unique and exciting experience.” While another mentioned, “sitting with younger ladies than myself...inspiring each other and sharing and holding space for each other. Also the other ladies in the much love and acceptance.” Overall the consensus was clear, the ladies loved every aspect of Imagine Together and several attendees emphatically expressed, “Once a year is not enough!”